Everything you do is true
As long as you believe it
And everything you say is play
And that’s how you should treat it
And everyone is high
Until there’s something makes them low
Nema digniteta, nema poštenja
Očenaš i Zdravomarije su cijena oproštenja
I nema općeg dobra, samo vlastita torba i dupe
Kriminalci, a svi šute – papci
Suci, fratri, policajci
Jer su in rođaci u istoj stranci, ista banda
A mi smo stranci u vlastitoj zemlji zbog ljudskog šljama
A mi smo stranci u vlastitoj zemlji zbog ljudskog šljama
Lipa naša silovana!
Do you move through the room with a glass in your hand?
Thinking too hard about the way you stand
Are you watching them pair off and drinking them long?
Are you falling in love every second song?
The bitterness is a lowest sin
A bitter man rots from within
I’ve seen his smile, yellow and brown
The bitterness has brought him down