MGMT / Loss of Life
Nakon gotovo punih šest godina Andrew VanWyngarden i Ben Goldwasser imaju novi album.
Kunst & Liebe Frequency Machine
Nakon gotovo punih šest godina Matthew Houck aka Phosphorescent objavio je novi, jako lijepi i smirujući album.
This is the song that made me realize I was writing an album.
There’s always one that does that
Until then I’m sort of floundering around with a bunch of song bits in various stages
With no clear picture of what it is I’m doing
Once the song “Revelator” came to be
I could see what the album could be
I truly struggled with naming the album Revelator
As I feel like it probably has certain biblical and genre connotations
That don’t apply to this album or to Phosphorescent at all
But in the end I know what I mean by it
And the album really couldn’t be called anything else
And so that’s why this is the title track
I think it might be the best song I’ve ever written
– Phosphorescent
01 “Revelator”
02 “The World Is Ending”
03 “Fences”
04 “Impossible House”
05 “Wide As Heaven”
06 “A Moon Behind The Clouds”
07 “All The Same”
08 “A Poem On The Men’s Room Wall”
09 “To Get It Right”
autor: Ante Marković, 12/06/2024
Nakon gotovo punih šest godina Andrew VanWyngarden i Ben Goldwasser imaju novi album.
U posljednje vrijeme se nekako, iz različitih poriva i razloga, vraćamo na imena i glazbu sa praga milenija ili njihove pokušaje povratka na scenu. Većina zbog svoje grčevitosti i želje za uspjehom uglavnom faila dok Charile i Damion, svojim izvorno nonšalatnim, pomalo kroneskim pristupom stvaraju materijal koji je žanrovski potpuno neopterećen i koji nikog neće omesti u ručku ili varenju nakon istog.
Jedna prava egzistencijalna dilema kao naslov novog albuma, izvorno teksaškog, trija LOMA izdanog ovih dana za legendarni Sub Pop Records. .