Do You Feel It
pȁštroć – (reg.) mješavina svega i svačega, bućkuriš
PAShTROCh – [‘paʃtroʧ] confused mixture, mishmash (in the Dalmatian dialects)
˝Uz pomoć glazbe strasti uživaju same sebe.˝ – Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
autor: Ivan Poljicanin, 24/02/2017
pȁštroć – (reg.) mješavina svega i svačega, bućkuriš
PAShTROCh – [‘paʃtroʧ] confused mixture, mishmash (in the Dalmatian dialects)
˝Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.˝ – Martin Luther King, Jr.
. . . repriza . . . odmori se, zaslužio si, od danas, od jedan iza podne . . . i . . . pomalo . . .