The Day Before My Birthday (KWVA Episode 003)
The Day Before My Birthday (KWVA Episode 003) (Originally broadcast on 29 April 1998 on KWVA.) Playlist & Footnotes: An…
The Nightside of Eden (#205)
I wander through a creepy forest to the Nightside of Eden, where Daona offer a unique studio session for our program.
The Nightside of Eden
Part I:
01. ) A Creepy Forest * Mini-Mutations
Part II:
02.) Nightside of Eden * Daona
Part III: Dimestore Radio Theater
03.) Pattern for Revenge * The Adventures of Rocky Jordan * 2 October 1949
autor: el5egundo, 07/10/2020
The Day Before My Birthday (KWVA Episode 003) (Originally broadcast on 29 April 1998 on KWVA.) Playlist & Footnotes: An…
U novoj emisij ćemo svake srijede zaustavit vrijeme i prepustit se groovu i zaplesat ili šta god vam dođe. Samo se prepustite i zaboravite na viruse i ostale (dez)informacije.
Novi El Diabolik’s World of Psychotronic Soundtracks u novom terminu, nedljeljom u 18:00.