Kunst & Liebe Frequency Machine

The Study of The Universe (#194)

23:59–3:00 Srijeda 12.7.2020.

The Study of The Universe (#194)

A new guide to the  old Universe.  .



The Study of The Universe 


Part I: 

01.) The Study of  The Universe Part 1 * Mini-Mutations * 1 July 2020 * Mid-Valley Mutations (2020) Mini-Mutations
02.) Todo Ess Luminoso * Rafael González & Hal McGee * February 2020 Report * HalTapes.com (2020)

Part II: 

03.) The Study of  The Universe Part 2 * Mini-Mutations * 1 July 2020 * Mid-Valley Mutations (2020) Mini-Mutations
04.) “David Stuff” (1981) * Negativland * Over The Edge Radio * Seeland Records (2020)
05.) The Study of  The Universe Part 3 * Mini-Mutations * 1 July 2020 * Mid-Valley Mutations (2020) Mini-Mutations

Part III: 

06.) Sensory Stimulus * Tree * Quarantine Diaries * joshboutwell.bandcamp.com (2020)
07.) The Study of  The Universe Part 4 * Mini-Mutations * 1 July 2020 * Mid-Valley Mutations (2020) Mini-Mutations
08.) Why Don’t We Eat Carrots? * Big City Orchestra * Cockamame * UBUIBI.org (2010)
09.) The Study of  The Universe Part 5 * Mini-Mutations * 1 July 2020 * Mid-Valley Mutations (2020) Mini-Mutations

Hour 2:

Part IV: 

10.) The Map of Murder * The Adventures of Rocky Jordan * 3 July 1949


autor: el5egundo, 30/06/2020

Vezane objave


Moon Voyage (#98)

23:59–3:00 Srijeda 2526.4.2018.

(Originally aired 30 September 2010 on KPSU.) This all-vinyl exploration of our journey to the moon only makes sense, in light…

Autopsia: ‘Death Is The Mother Of Beauty’ & ‘Wound’


U ovotjednom noćnom programu subotom/nedjeljom nakon reprize Soda Fountaina možete od 01.15 h, u okviru emisije Polibiotičke strukture preslušatai dva rana uratka projekta Autopsia, nastala početkom devedesetih. Riječ je o studijskom albumu ‘Death is the Mother of Beauty’ (1990.), te uratku kompilacijskog karaktera ‘Wound’ iz 1991.

NAPOMENA: Emisija je trebala biti emitirana prošlog tjedna, no prolongirana je za ovaj pošto je došlo do poremećaja termina zbog prijenosa “Radija na cesti”.

Subotom u šest

18:00–20:00 Subota 4.3.2017.

Gitare i korg, glazbeni talk show u trećem izdanju.

1 na 1

21:00–23:00 Srijeda 1.7.2020.

Opasna borba se vodi ovaj tjedan. Triba stić i na radio na cesti i na barbarinac posli.

Tjedna rotacija



THE BAND / The Band (1969)

LUCRECIA DALT / Cosa Rara ft. David Sylvian


SONIC YOUTH / Live in Brooklyn (2011)

OBLACI / Položaji


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