Dragi drug Dario podno Vezuva s novim singlom za kraj ljeta.
Kunst & Liebe Frequency Machine
Sa drugog dijela spoken word trilogije, “The Heart, The Mind, The Soul” benda iz New Orleansa.
“I want for poetry to get that much more respect and for even more young people to get into the expression of poetry,” Tank opisuje. “I want it to be seen as even more cool again. Poetry has always been my first love because it loved me back, it loved me before music even. now I get to share more of that part of myself with the world, in hopes that you love it to. Everything in this world has its place, the HEART deals with matters of my heart, my relationships with men and the one with myself. The MIND lends itself to the things I think about living as a woman in this world, and the relationships I’ve gone back and forth in my mind about. And the SOUL is a form of subconscious and conscious free flowing poems about myself and the city that raised me.”
autor: el5egundo, 04/08/2024
‘State of the Union (STFU)’ speaks truth to power while urging people to fight against racism, injustice and oppression with their vote.”
Teksaški trio s najavnim singlom za novi album punog naziva “Con Todo El Mundo”, koje očekujemo u Siječnju 2018., još jednom za Late Night Tales. Maria, Maria. Maria…Maria.
David Longstreth, taj majstor začudnih melodija, u novom singlu nakon dvije godine traženja benda i sa Maiom Friedman kao glavnim vokalom.