Traka sa albuma izdanog krajem prošle godine kao svježi singl. Meno male. Taman za ovaj najavljeni meteorološki prodor ljeta.
It’s unfortunate that we live in a society where the value of people is quantified by likes, followers and views. So many people are seeking attention for the wrong reasons. I think we should all be doing our best work without looking for accolades or seeking reward.
The main takeaway of “Video Game” for me is: Your worth (invaluable) should never be based on other people’s approval (ephemeral). Just be yourself. Keep it real. Keep it moving. Do all things with absolute purity, love and joy. And always do your best.
Jalaiah epitomizes all of this and I’m truly inspired by her. So I thought, “what if we could get Jalaiah to star in a ‘dance video’ about not wanting to star in a ‘dance video?’” I’m so honored she agreed. She clearly owns it, and her work here is beautiful, poignant and true.
Video game je drugi singl sa albuma “The Ascension” koji izlazi 25.9.2020.
autor: tomislav gracin, 23/08/2020
Traka sa albuma izdanog krajem prošle godine kao svježi singl. Meno male. Taman za ovaj najavljeni meteorološki prodor ljeta.
Billy Nomates je Tor Maries i nakon prošlogodišnjeg izdanja kojeg je producirao Portisheadov Geoff Barrow i svježe suradnje sa Sleaford Mods, slušamo je čitav tjedan sa singlom koji najavljuje novi EP, Emergency Telephone.
Već je pet godina prošlo od posljednjeg Animal Collective albuma. Krajnje je vrijeme za novi. Time Skiffs očekujemo u veljači 2022 i dodajemo prvi singl kao super začin za kraj godine.