Sa zagrebačke gore, nikad ne vidi se more!
Cili život jema san svoj kunpir,
svoga špara i svoju bevandu,
a sad ništo verdure,
zubaca iz leda i botilju vina
kupi san u dućan.
Step out of your toga and into the fog
You are a prince on the ocean
In the pinch, in the sky, in your eye
…Ali što
Hti bih vam nešto napisati
ali što
kad sve znate…
autor: DonTravolta, 13/05/2023
Cili život jema san svoj kunpir,
svoga špara i svoju bevandu,
a sad ništo verdure,
zubaca iz leda i botilju vina
kupi san u dućan.
Sometimes they were comedic— or relentlessly horrifying
They were the foes of society, whether fighting the local sheriff, or a secret agent
Frequently they mirrored our times: the gangster villains which rival real newspaper headlines of the present day
Collectively, they are the components which have fueled nightmares for decades to come
The villains
We’ll put it back together
Raise up a giant ladder
With love and trust and friends and hammers
I’m sweating tears
I’ve been there and I am there still
Heroic and colossal baby
When you look back