RESAVOIR / Resavoir
Will Miller i čitava plejada razigrane, čikaške, future jazz bande, na albumu koji će ovo jesen pretvoriti u proljeće.
Kunst & Liebe Frequency Machine
Šest godina nakon Pleasure-a, šesti album drage Kanađanke na KLFM-u
The last few years were such a period of confrontation for me, and it feels like it was at least to some degree for everyone. We confronted ourselves as much as our relationships confronted us. It felt like our relational ecosystems were clearer than ever and so whatever was normally obscured — like a certain way of avoiding conflict or a certain way of talking around the subject — were all of a sudden thrust into the light. And in all that reassessment, the chance to find footing on the healthier, more honest ground became possible, and the effort to maintain avoidance actually felt like it took more effort than just handing ourselves over to the truth.
Leslie Feist svira nam u rubrici Album tjedna u srijedu od 15 sati.
autor: Kristina Tešija, 16/04/2023
Will Miller i čitava plejada razigrane, čikaške, future jazz bande, na albumu koji će ovo jesen pretvoriti u proljeće.
“Darkenss travels Light” osmi je album nizozemskog indie-folk dueta At the Close of Every Day, a ujedno i prvi ovogodišnji KLFM-ov Album tjedna. Započeti godinu nečim ne baš isuviše poznatim je odličan način za poticanje daljnjeg istraživanja glazbenih voda. Stoga uživajte u ovom pomalo neuobičajenom izboru!
Album tjedna je uvjetno rečeno ˝neživa svirka˝ slobodne interpretacije širokog žanrovskog spektra sa dominacijom i naglaskom na groove! Culcha Vulcha disciplinira kreativni nemir u smislenu glazbenu avanturu.