Kunst & Liebe Frequency Machine

Topla morska struja

Od britanskih eksperimentatora, The Eccentronic Research Council preko novih Letherette, Mo Kolours, DJ Cam-a i Moar-a., do jedne od najbolje skrivenih domaćih glazbenih tajni, Japanskih Premijera. Po koji ton sa fantastičnog soundtracka “Belladonna” o kom veliki Jim O’Rourke kaže “There was a time when the strength of a musician’s vision transcended all labels; here is a chance to dip into that pool again, and emerge not just refreshed, but alive again with the sense that we all can live in that world again, but most importantly raise the flag for excellence. Fantastic.”. Naravno, za ovakve bisere ponovo možemo zahvaliti Votelovom labelu Finders Keepers.


Od britanskih eksperimentatora, The Eccentronic Research Council preko novih Letherette, Mo Kolours, DJ Cam-a i Moar-a., do jedne od najbolje skrivenih domaćih glazbenih tajni, Japanskih Premijera. Po koji ton sa fantastičnog soundtracka “Belladonna” o kom veliki Jim O’Rourke kaže “There was a time when the strength of a musician’s vision transcended all labels; here is a chance to dip into that pool again, and emerge not just refreshed, but alive again with the sense that we all can live in that world again, but most importantly raise the flag for excellence. Fantastic.”. Naravno, za ovakve bisere ponovo možemo zahvaliti Votelovom labelu Finders Keepers. Za sam kraj, veliko 40minutno finale, James Holden i Camilo Tirado u epskoj “Outdoor Museum of Fractals”.

The Eccentronic Research Council – Ghost Of Old Lizzy Southerns Returns
Japanski Premijeri – Topla morska struja
Masahiko Sato – TBSF
Mo Kolours – Tears, Sand & Thorns ft. Jonwayne
Letherette – Don’t Think About Me
Moar – Come On
DJ Cam – Come Get Me
Japanski Premijeri – Juniper Boogie
Up, Bustle & Out – Emerald Alley (Indian Morning Theme)
Skorpio – Szevasz Haver
Masahiko Sato – Funny Feeling
Beat Spacek – I Want You (Animal Collective Remix)
DJ Cam – Wilson
White Boiz – Hear Say feat. D Prosper & Iman Omari
Letherette – Without You
Masahiko Sato – Valle Incantata
Masahiko Sato – Take it Easy
James Holden & Camilo Tirado – Outdoor Museum of Fractals

autor: el5egundo, 08/03/2016

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