Kunst & Liebe Frequency Machine

The Day Before My Birthday (KWVA Episode 003)

23:59–2:00 Srijeda 2829.4.2021.

Crispin Hellion Glover

The Day Before My Birthday (KWVA Episode 003)
(Originally broadcast on 29 April 1998 on KWVA.)

Playlist & Footnotes:

An early solo show.  I distinctly remember this being the night I discovered Crispin Glover’s solo album.  This is a recreation of what that show might have sounded like.  4 – 6 A.M.



The Day Before My Birthday Playlist


01.) Rat Catching * Crispin Hellion Glover
02.) The James Bond Theme * Leroy Holmes
03.) Selector Pt. 2 * Dub Narcotic Sound System
04.) Sanctuary * Avail
05.) Prison Shake * KARP
06.) Midnight In The Jungle * Red Aunts
07.) Defiled * New Bomb Turks
08.) O.J. And His Personal Trainer Kill Ron And Nicole * Negativland * Happy Heroes EP * Seeland Records

09.) Jet Boy, Jet Girl * The Damned
10.) Saturday Night At The Book Store * The Dicks
10.) Knights of The Baskervilles * Thee Headcoats
11.) Good Cop, Bad Cop * DFL
12.) Brand New * Beastie Boys
13.) Rowdy * KARP
14.) The Black Hole Tube * Negativland * Happy Heroes EP * Seeland Records
15.) Sounds of Seduction * Strychnine
16.) Mr. Pushup * godheadSilo


17.) No Depression * Uncle Tupelo * No Depression * Rockville Records
18.) John Doe * Testament

19.) Rock And Roll McDonalds * Wesley Willis
20.) Steak Knife * Angry Samoans
21.) Mertz #1 * Negativland * Happy Heroes EP * Seeland Records
22.) Orion (Star Gazer) * Crackerbash
23.) Homemade Speed * Blatz
24.) She * Misfits
25.) Never Squeal * Ween
26.) Beach Party Vietnam * The Dead Milkmen
27.) Sloppy (I Saw My Baby Gettin’) * Devo
28.) I Got A Bad Feeling About This * Supergenius
29.) The New Clean Song * Crispin Hellion Glover
30.) Fake Fake Eyes * …Any You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead

31.) We Can * The Readymen
32.) Lifetime Achievement Award * Unwound
33.) Mertz #2 * Negativland * Happy Heroes EP * Seeland Records
34.) Once Over Twice * X
35.) Oh Bondage, Up Yours * X-Ray Spex
36.) Destination Venus * Man… Or Astro-Man?
37.) Dissect * The John Spencer Blues Explosion

38.) Austin’s Mertz Commercial
39.) Someone To Watch Over Me * Susan Lucci
40.) Chewin’ George Lucas’ Chocolate / Goofy’s Concern * Butthole Surfers
41.) Nixon’s The One * Mono Puff

autor: el5egundo, 25/04/2021

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