Kunst & Liebe Frequency Machine

Odlazak: Keith Emerson (1944. – 2016.)

Ono što odlazak Keitha Emersona ne uklapa u već poslovičnu ‘crnu bilancu’ koju nam je ponudila aktualna 2016. jest način na koji je napustio ovaj svijet. Uradio je to po vlastitom izboru, suočen s mogućnošću življenja bez onoga što je u njegovu slučaju predstavljalo smisao – briljirati na sceni, spajajući zapanjujuću energičnost i urođenu genijalnost. Ukratko, živio je za svoju glazbu, za ono što je danas već ostavština za budućnost; jedan monumentalni opus koji se tek nominalno i kronološki može svrstati pod već ishabani pojam ‘rock’. Jer, često se u desetak sekundi Emersonovog stvaralaštva moglo naći više harmonija, struktura i vizija no što ih sadrže cjelokupni uradci brojnih rock te posebice punk sastava!


Iako se uklapa u crnu bilancu znakovitu za kraj 2015. i početak ove godine, odlazak Keitha Emersona odskače od drugih tužnih primjera (Lemmy, Bowie, Black, Martin…). Naime, odluka je u ovom slučaju bila osobna. Suočen s nemogućnošću daljnjeg bavljenja glazbom zbog ozbiljnih srčanih problema – a treba li napominjati da mu je upravo glazba bila smisao postojanja – Keith se 10. ožujka odvažio na taj finalni čin.

Pojedinci će se zapitati je li situacija bila stvarno tako ozbiljna. Na prvi pogled ne. Mogao je i dalje nastupati, ali takva bi scenska uprizorenja bila tek nalik usporenoj sceni iz nijemog filma u odnosu na način na koji je Keith shvaćao vlastitu vizualnu prezentaciju. Stoga mu ne treba zamjeriti na načinu na koji je otišao. Kažu da je s vatrenim oružjem to brzo i bezbolno, a posjeduje i neku pomalo patetičnu reminscenciju na osobnu čast.

Uostalom, bio je to njegov vlastiti izbor. A tako su otišli Kurt Cobain, kao i Hemingway. Pa i Seymour Glass.

Više o životu i djelu Keitha možete pročitati na priloženom LINKU

Emerson41 Genij u svojem kreativnom zanosu

Keith was a gentle soul whose love for music and passion for his performance as a keyboard player will remain unmatched for many years to come. He was a pioneer and an innovator whose musical genius touched all of us in the worlds of rock, classical and jazz.

/Carl Palmer/

To all ELP friends and fans all over the world, I would like to express my deep sadness upon hearing this tragic news. As you know Keith and I spent many of the best years of our lives together and to witness his life coming to an end in the way that it has is painful, both to myself and to all who knew him.

/Greg Lake/

A great composer & musician, my friend Keith Emerson has sadly died last night at his home in Santa Monica,Los Angeles, aged 71. Deepest condolences to his family and loved ones. He was truly a legend!

/David Gilmour/

It’s heartbreaking to lose so many musician friends this year and now Keith Emerson . Rest peacefully my friend.

/Rick Wakeman/

I am absolutely stunned over hearing of Keith Emerson’s passing. He was truly a Prog pioneer. This year’s been absolutely devastating!

/Mike Portnoy/

So terribly sad to hear of Keith Emerson’s passing. We were good friends for many years, and he was a gent, a genius—one of a kind.

/John Wetton/

Devastated to hear of the death of the greatest rock keyboardist ever, my dear friend Keith Emerson. A true genius and inspiration.

/Geoffrey Downes/

I am just so sad to hear of Keith Emerson leaving us.
He was a genius one of a kind talent and a friend.

/Steve Lukather/

I’m terribly sad to hear about the death of Keith Emerson. A genius of the keys and a lovely guy.

/Steve Hackett/

R.I.P. Keith… Yet Another… Condolences to his Family & friends… What is going on!?

/Julian Lennon/

Dear Keith Emerson has left us too soon. Many great memories a truly gentleman. Rest in peace.

/Peter Frampton/

TechThat_3 Burn the damn thing down!


01 The Nice – The Thoughrs Of Emerlist Davjack   02:49

02 The Nice – America   06:06

03 The Nice – The Diamond Hard Blues Apples Of The Moon   02:47

04 The Nice – Rondo   08:22

05 The Nice – The Cry Of Eugene   04:41

06 The Nice – Intermezzo From ‘Karelia Suite’ /Jean Sibelius, arr. by The Nice/   08:57

07 The Nice – Five Bridges Suite   18:57

a) Fantasia 1st Bridge / 2nd Bridge   02:41
b) Chorale 3rd Bridge   03:27
c) High Level Fugue 4th Bridge   04:01
d) Finale 5th Bridge   07:58

(Emerson, Lake & Palmer – Isle Of Wight Interview)   06:14

08 Emerson, Lake & Palmer – The Barbarian   04:31

09 Emerson, Lake & Palmer – Take A Peeble   12:31

10 Emerson, Lake & Palmer – The Only Way (Hymn) /J.S. Bach & ELP/   03:48

(Keith Emerson – Interview)   07:27

11 Emerson, Lake & Palmer – Pictures At An Exhibition /Modest Petrovič Musorgski, arr by ELP/   37:56

a) Promenade   01:48
b) The Gnome   04:18
c) Promenade   01:23
d) The Sage /Greg Lake/   04:42
e) The Old Castle   02:33
f) Blues Variation /Emerson, Lake & Palmer/   04:22
g) Promenade   01:29
h) The Hut Of Baba Yaga   01:12
i) The Curse Of Baba Yaga /Emerson, Lake & Palmer/   04:10
j) The Hut Of Baba Yaga   01:06
k) The Great Gates Of Kiev   06:37
l) Nutcracker /Pjotr Iljič Čajkovski, arr. by ELP/   04:26

12 Emerson, Lake & Palmer – Toccata /Alberto Ginastera, arr. by ELP/   07:20

13 Keith Emerson – Inferno Finale   02:27

(Keith Emerson – Interview)   13:25

14 Keith Emerson – Main Theme From ‘The Church’   03:57

15 Emerson, Lake & Palmer – Hoedown From ‘Rodeo’ /Aaron Copland, arr. by ELP/   03:47

16 Emerson, Lake & Palmer – Tarkus   20:40

a) Eruption   02:43
b) Stones Of Years   03:43
c) Iconoclast   01:16
d) Mass   03:09
e) Manticore   01:49
f) Battlefield   03:57
g) Aquatarkus   03:54

17 Keith Emerson – Piano Concerto No1   18:18

a) First Movement: Allegro giojoso   09:18
b) Second Movement: Andante molto cantabile   02:09
c) Third Movement: Toccata con fuoco   06:50

V.S., eXit, 18/03/2016

autor: Vjeran Stojanac, 18/03/2016

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