Kunst & Liebe Frequency Machine


15:00–16:00 Subota 15.9.2018.

Na svom trećem albumu Anna na intiman, inspirativan i snažan način istražuje teme roda i identiteta. Nakon nominacija za prethodna dva albuma, valjda konačno zaslužuje prestižnu Mercury Prize nagradu.

01. As A Man
02. Hunter
03. Don’t Beat the Girl Out of My Boy
04. Indies of Paradise
05. Swimming Pool
06. Alpha
07. Chain
08. Wish
09. Away
10. Eden

Read Calvi’s full statement on Hunter:

“I’m hunting for something – I want experiences, I want agency, I want sexual freedom, I want intimacy, I want to feel strong, I want to feel protected and I want to find something beautiful in all the mess.

I want to go beyond gender. I don’t want to have to chose between the male and female in me. I’m fighting against feeling an outsider and trying to find a place that feels like home.

I believe that gender is a spectrum. I believe that if we were allowed to be somewhere in the middle, not pushed to the extremes of performed masculinity and femininity, we would all be more free. I want to explore how to be something other than just what I’ve been assigned to be. I want to explore a more subversive sexuality, which goes further than what is expected of a woman in our patriarchal heteronormative society. I want to repeat the words “girl boy, woman man”, over and over, to find the limits of these words, against vastness of human experience.

I believe in the female protagonist, who isn’t simply responding to a man’s story. I go out into the world and see it as mine – I want something from it, rather than just being a passive product of it. I’m hungry for experiences. Sometimes things seem clear, and other times I feel lost. I feel strong and yet vulnerable; I wear my body and my art as an armour, but I also know that to be true to myself is to be open to being hurt.

The intent of this record is to be primal and beautiful, vulnerable and strong, to be the hunter and the hunted.”

autor: Ante Marković, 11/09/2018

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